There is a treasure hidden deep in a mountain cave. The fastest gnomes urgently set out to search for the mysterious cave. Their path takes them through a forest guarded by a Troll. This Troll has poor eyesight, but he has excellent hearing. Sneaking past him won’t be easy. However, the gnomes are courageous, persistent, and good at hiding. If they go quietly, the Troll might not notice them. The first ones to reach the cave with the treasure are the winners.
A running hide-and-seek game. The gnomes need to have a good strategy, and be careful, and lucky.
- 3D game board
- 12 gnomes
- 1 Troll
- 1 die
- 8 Crack! cards
- rules
Authors: Anna Oppolzer & Stefan Kloβ
Illustration: Gediminas Akelaitis